Assorted Photo Galleries from our travels in Papua New Guinea and a few other Asian countries. These photos are freely available under a Creative
Commons, CC-SA license, with attribution "Brian Chapaitis", as presented from our old web-site, for now. For enlarged images to view or download, look for a
dynamic control (icon) to click in each gallery. Note: Click on Photo below. New Tab in Browser created.
B&H in Papua New Guinea Home
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captions about what's going on)
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Life in the village was troubled this year with fierce tribal fighting between two major clans. Several innocent ones were killed and about half the village torched to the ground. The church stood in the gap, preaching peace without the usual cultural payback and retribution. But there were other bright moments, as you will see.... (1600x1200)
Our trip back to Papua New Guinea from furlough in the US. Then a business trip took Brian to Chiang Mai, Thailand. There is quite a mix of photos and
locations here, but we think you'll enjoy these PNG and Thailand photos. On the way we stopped by to see our son, in Seattle, Washington. (1024x768)